FMIPA - Universitas Pakuan Apps

Kamus Taksonomi Tumbuhan 2.0
Kamus Taksonomi Tumbuhan Indonesia.Merupakanaplikasi hasil penelitian tim peneliti FMIPA UNPAK yangdapatdigunakan bebas oleh akademisi, peneliti untuk kebutuhantaksonomi,foto, deskripsi tumbuhan yang dapat dicari berdasarkannama lokaldan nama latin. Kami mohon saran dan masukan untukpengembanganaplikasi ini. Terimakasih.Credit :1. FMIPA Universitas PAKUAN2. Kebun Raya Cibodas Bogor Indonesia3. Red PhotographyDictionary ofPlantTaxonomy Indonesia. Is the application of research resultsUNPAKFaculty research team that can be used freely byacademics,researchers for the needs of taxonomy, photos,descriptions ofplants that can be searched by local name and theLatin name. Weask for advice and input to the development of thisapplication.Thank you.Credit:1. The State University of ferns2. Cibodas Bogor Indonesia3. Red Photography